Puzzles...tricycle...coloring...reading books...playing steam roller...baking in the kitchen...telling stories...pretending...dress up...all things princess...blocks...asking why, how, when, where...alphabet...numbers...tying knots...play dough...doing her own hair...picking out clothes...dancing...dancing...dancing...exercise...flowers...ribbons...jumping...snuggling...
The Birthday Bash!
We chose to enjoy the rare sunshine on Katie's birthday, and have her party at the park. It was very cold, but I'm glad we did it. I only wish I had been able to take hot chocolate with us. We had a few friends there with us which I think was really important to Katie. She is very social and loves to have friends around for everything. At the end of the day, I asked Katie if she had a good birthday and what her favorite part was. She said with out missing a beat and with surety, "Eating cake." I don't know if any other human being loves cake more than Katie does. She lives for cake. It was such a fun day and I loved watching my Katie-baby "get into" all the festivities.