Sunday, November 30, 2014
Poor boy has no choice but to like dolls. I keep finding barbies and baby dolls tucked in the bassinet with Henry.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Angry sheep
Katie: (henry crying) Henry sounds like a sheep.
Grace: he does!
Katie: a sad, angry sheep
Grace: yeah, a very sad, angry sheep
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Mia turns 2
yo gabba gabba cupcakes
reading books
trains. race cars. school buses.
tortilla with cheese in it
super hero Mia
building tents. babies. ponies.
"I helping you, Mama!"
jumping. jumping. jumping.
This little girl fills our lives with fun and wonder. She eats nearly anything we give her, but won't go to sleep at night, She is never to be left out or left behind. Loves to dress herself and pick out her own clothes. Loves her candy, but surprisingly doesn't over do least not yet. no volume control. what so ever. She jumps everywhere and all the time. i swear she is part frog or kangaroo.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Halloween 2014
Little Red Riding Hood. Word Girl. Peacock
I was so happy she decided to be Little Red Riding Hood after all...she changed her mind probably five times, but this idea won out for the church party. And I have to say, I am pretty proud that I made that costume for less than $3. The material for the skirt, the basket, shoes, and shirt we had on hand. The red material for the cloak and vest, I picked up for $1 at a yard sale, and the ribbon was less than $2. Woot. woot.
Amelia's costume was also put together mostly from things I had on hand.i did have to pick up some felt and a little tulle. Grace and Amelia have really been into peacocks lately, and Amelia really enjoyed dressing u as one.
Word Girl. Katie has been planning on being Word Girl since November 1st of last year. I was happy that it was a simple costume to put together.
Grace wanted to be her second choice for trick or treating: Super Grace. I made her a super hero cape awhile ago because she kept tying blankets around her neck and pretending to be super grace.
The back of Mia's costume...upside down.

Sunday, November 16, 2014
6 is cool
Minion Party with Friends
Minion Cake designed and decorated by herself and with the help of sisters
Big hugs for picking out the best present ever: Hello Kitty Clock
...and just because I love this picture...
Reading. Reading.Reading.
Riding Bikes
Climbing Trees
Loving on Henry
Playing with Friends
Hello Kitty. Minions. Martha Speaks. Word Girl.
Mystery Solver. Play House. Yoga.
Still in love with Pink
Something I adore about Katie that has really surfaced in the last year is her desire to be unique. While the rest of world of girls 2-10 are obsessing over Frozen, Katie is so sick and tired of it. Haha. She likes to be different, and she likes what she likes even if no one else likes it. I love that she was Word Girl for Halloween even though a lot of people didn't even know who Word Girl is. And I love that she wants to keep bangs simply because she likes them (even though, I am not a personal fan of the high maintenance of bangs...). When she realized that she was one of the only girls in her class with bangs, and one of her best friends teased her about her bangs (grrrrr), she contemplated growing them out. But after a little encouragement to be who she is and be happy with it, she has never looked back. She loves her bangs and fully enjoys styling them each day.
I sure do love this Katie girl. She has grown up so much in the last year. Getting so mature. It makes me rejoice that we have conquered certain aspects of development, but it breaks my heart a little to see her so grown up. OH the bitter and the sweet of growing children.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Loving on "Little Friend"
Amelia lovingly calls Henry "Little Friend." Justin and I have no idea where she came up with that nickname, but it's pretty heart melting to hear her say, "oh Little Friend woke up!" Or "Little Friend, I coming! I coming!"
Monday, November 10, 2014
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