I was thinking yesterday about how lucky I am to have Justin because he is practically perfect for me in every way. While thinking about that, I decided that my friends and family might not know how wonderful he really is since we haven't been able to spend a ton of time with them. So I'm going to tell you more about him...Hopefully he doesn't care when he finds out...
Born: January 5, 1985
Where: California
Home town: Modesto until ten then to Las Vegas
Family: Middle child of three, little brother and an older sister
Major: Health Science
Emphasis: Occupational Safety and Health Management
Height: 6'4"
Person: Me
Time of Day: When I hug him when he gets home from work
Restaurant: Craigo's Pizza Buffet
Cookie: Emily's chocolate chip
Juice: Apple
Holiday: Christmas
Music: Coldplay
Children's Books: Chronicles of Narnia
Things to do together: read a good book, star gaze, or have a good talk
Hobby: Shooting (not hunting just shooting)
nearly always sleeps on his back with arms and legs spread out
likes everything to be pre-washed before he uses it the first time
makes really good homemade chicken alfredo pizza
sings very well
doesn't like dancing
insists on playing Christmas music even before Thanksgiving
loves popcorn made over the stove
enjoys a good documentary on pretty much anything
(not in any particular order)
- very kind and patient
- silly as all get out
- good listener
- compassionate
- humble
- pure heart
- most adorable smile
- big loud laugh
- big strong hands
- clumsy as me if not worse
- loves to learn about the most random things
- selfless
- doesn't tickle me because I hate it
- gets me beautiful flowers
- does the dishes
- listens to me babble on at night even though he's tired
- thinks of romantic dates for us to go
- let's me use his razor
- kind to other people
- let's me watch lots of girl and horse movies if I let him watch a boy and dog movie every once in awhile
- bought me flowers for mothers' day
- made me a birthday cake and decorated the house for my b-day
- took me to get ice cream at the new dairy place as a surprise date
- randomly makes me breakfast in bed
- gets me little debbie snacks
- sends me cheesy e-cards
- rubs my feet and back when they are sore
- made me green eggs and ham for breakfast in bed on St. Patty's day
- turns the light on for me when I'm scared of the dark
- waits on me hand and foot when I'm pukey...and pretty much the rest of the time too
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