Being that Thanksgiving is this month, I'm going to try to be really dedicated to Thankful Thursday entries...however with Baby coming on board here pretty soon, we'll see how my resolve holds up.
Today I am thnakful for:
- Prop 8 passing. No, I am not a CA resident, but I am so thankful that there are still so many out there who believe in traditional marriage. I believe that greatest happiness comes from families, and I'm glad that the majority in this country still support family morals and values.
- I'm so grateful for my own marriage. Justin and I are so happy together, and I don't know what I would do without him.
- Our car is still working. We found out what's wrong with it officially, and the good news is we'll be fine. So no worries about not having a car to transport me to the hospital.
- Sunshine: I have such a hrad time when it's cloudy for days in and days out. I need sunshine, and I'm thankful that it's been sunny the last few days.

1 comment:
How sweet, Jill! We too are thrilled about prop 8, and knew the lawsuits would begin immediately and they have; but it's nice to get a good response even with all the deception. Our county passed it 66% to 34% which was another nice validation. Glad your car is functioning--reliable transportation is important--of course, if not, then you could say that you walked uphill in a snowstorm 10 miles to give birth--that would be memorable:)
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