June went by so fast, I think I can still feel my head spinning. We had so much at the family reunion. I can't believe all 12 kids were together in the same place for once. It was crazy with all the people and adults around, but it was fun. Some of my favorite quotes from the week were:

"Oh, my trusty ol' golf ball."- Cole, age 3
"You who, Ethan, come out of the bathroom and play ball with me." Cole
"Does everyone in here know that Jesus created all this [the planets and stars], or do we just know that?" Elise, age 7
"It's okay Katie, I do it too all the time" Alexus said this to Katie after I told her that Katie was crabby because she was tired and hungry.
"Everybody just calm down" Ainsley, age 3
Some of my favorite parts of the reunion were:
Watching Alexus's face when she crab walked
Playing kickball and volleyball
Singing "down by the banks" with my nieces and Tyse
Staying in the tent with Haleigh, Elise, and Emma
Watching the planetarium show with all the kids
Going fishing with Justin, Jordan, and John
Sending my husband off on a fishing trip with my brothers
All the girls dragging Shane out of the house for the picture
Our taboo game on the way back from Basin Creek
The impromptu talent show at the Museum of the Rockies

Independence Day
We went to Toni's in Orem for the 4th of July. It was lots of fun. We went to the zoo, watched the parade, and had a BBQ. Katie liked the zoo even though she didn't last very long in the stroller, and she liked the parade. She was scared by the fire engines, but once the floats started coming by and she could wave back at the people waving to her, she loved it. We watched the fireworks from a little bit of a distance so that she wouldn't be scared by the loud noises, and so she enjoyed those too. It was a fun holiday for us.
haha I love the quotes!!! I need your email address so I can add you to my reading list.
I bet Katie thoroughly enjoyed her waving time at the parade. My guess is she taught the parade royalty a technique or two about proper waving. We miss everyone already:( Poor Elise screamed from Butte all the way to Dillon, wanting to be taken back to Grandma's house. It was Maryn's turn the next day. She yelled for an hour about having to go potty IN GRANDMA'S BATHROOM!!!! Thanks for sharing your reunion thoughts. I need to get those DVD's burned!
Okay, so that comment was actually from me. I didn't realize Haleigh was logged in. Oh well:)
It was so fun to see you guys and get to spend some extra days with you. Katie is so cute and a lot of fun. Thanks for spending the Fourth with us.
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