January in recap:
Justin's birthday
Justin starts classes for last time at BYU-I
Jill babysits Eva and Joseph
Katie starts wearing pony tails
Everyone gets sick
Everyone gets better
Jill reads lots of books
Katie learns to take off her own diaper and clothes
Jill sews a dress
Katie gets into everything
Katie learns to open front door and go out
Justin gets husband of the century award

That dress is really cute Jill! I think Katie is starting to look a lot like you!
Katie is so big and such a cutie! Tell Justin happy belated birthday. My New Year's Resolution of sending birthday and anniversary cards has once again fell short unfortunately. Hope you are all doing well!
Adorable. Katie is looking like a little lady and not so much like a baby. Sounds like you've had a busy month. Way to go to Justin on his last semester. Good luck.
I like the "read lots of books" one. I've missed reading so much these last few months--I guess I've done lots of reading, but not particularly for the fun of it. Happy belated birthday to Justin. Katie's starting to look like a little lady.
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