Sunday, September 5, 2010

Rejoicing in Motherhood

April, my sister, takes lots of pictures. In fact I think she takes thousands each month, literally. I don't think I've taken 1000 pictures in my life time. But I also don't have six children and a really nice camera like she does. However, I've been trying to make an effort the last few days to at least catch Grace with her eyes open.
Anyway, Justin's been in California for several days so it's just been me and the girls. Lucky for me they both got sick just in time for Justin to leave. I was a little worried about being on my own for the whole weekend with a sick newborn and a sick toddler, especially about how nights would go, but the Lord has really blessed me. I've had enough energy to keep up with Katie and to care for Grace, and not only that, but to enjoy my extra one-on-one time with them.
It's so easy sometimes to get bogged down in the mundane tasks that come along with motherhood. Sometimes amidst the crying and the tantrums, the laundry and the dishes, I lose sight of eternity and think what I am doing this for?

Thankfully, I have a set of scriptures of my own that I get to read every day. I've come to learn in the last year or so that reading my scriptures is the very best way for me to connect eternity with my day to day duties as a mother. And when I read every day, it's so much easier to see that I'm not just picking up pieces of hot dog off the floor or putting the canned food back in the cupboard for the tenth time...I'm really raising another human being and helping a little spirit reach its eternal hot dog piece and one can of beans at a time.


April said...

I'm so sorry your little ones are both sick, especially with those big broad shoulders out of town. I've had my three youngest all sick this last week with a little cold and it has been no fun.
I loved your sweet sentiments. It's so easy to lose perspective when you're down in the trenches. I like to tell my honeys that the Book of Mormon is my good friend and I feel lost without it's daily companionship.
Hang in there and keep taking those pictures:)

Ann said...

I love those adorable little ones. I hope the girls are feeling better. Thanks for the reminder to look up and remember what it's all about.

Logan and Ashleigh said...

You are so wonderful! and always help me to see the bigger picture!

P.s. your girls are ADORABLE!

Marcie said...

Can I print this post off and keep it on my fridge? Thank you for posting this, you have no idea how much I needed this tonight!! Hope your girls are feeling better!