Tonight, I took Katie with me grocery shopping. She wanted to ride in the cart that had the truck attached to it, so I pop her in and buckle her up. Little did I know that she is skinny enough to slide out of the buckles. So I'm picking out some pork chops and I hear, " You better tell your mommy. Is that your mommy?" I glance over to see Katie down the aisle telling some random lady that she needs to go pee pee. I go claim my daughter, and we head off to the restroom. Katie turns to the lady and waves very cheerily to her new friend and says "Good-bye, I have to go the bathroom now," as if this woman is her best friend.
Last night, I'm putting Katie to bed which means she keeps getting out of her bed so I'm staking out on her floor so she will finally go to sleep. I glance up to her bed and I see naked buns creeping down toward the foot of the bed. "Katie what happened to your pants and your underwear?"
"They're up there."
"Why are they up there?"
"I took them off. My bum hurts right here, here...and here. I need some cream."
Yesterday, Katie walks up to the garbage and says "Oh dear. Oh dear. This garbage is smelly, smelly, smelly." I guess that's a hint to take out the garbage.
This is the best post, Jill! Katie is so adorable and I just love all of Grace's little rolls and double chin.
What will they come up with next?
The grocery store incident sounds familiar! keep the posts coming!
HAhAha, to funny. I can picture Katie saying every last word!
So funny! Grace is getting so big! We seriously need to play my friend.
Kids are great aren't they. All those little moments that you never expected to have and wouldn't want to live without (as embarrassing as they can be). Cute girls. I can't wait to see them.
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