I love Farmington, NM. Sure I have only lived here for two and half weeks, but I am loving it here. It's the right size, in a good location, and has all the things we like to do here. I am so grateful that we didn't get the internships we applied for in the Salt Lake area. Blessing in disguise.
We've had a lot of those lately, blessings in disguise, I mean. Like giving up dairy. I thought it would KILL me to give up cheese, but it hasn't (probably because I know it's Temporary with a capitol T), and I have gained so many blessings from it. I have lost weight. I have widened my food horizons and tried new things. I have gained a whole bunch of new recipes, and learned a lot of new cooking skills because of it. And I have practiced a lot of self control--it's good to do that every once in awhile.
Another blessing in disguise, we did not want to have to pay double rent for the summer, but we are. The great thing is that I have a place for myself and others to stay during the Family Reunion (which I am soooo excited for) and then we don't have to go through the hassle of moving all our furniture and stuff, finding a new place when we come back and getting packed and unpacked again and again. Also, the company Justin is interning for decided to give us a housing stipend which pays for one of our rents.
And we LOVE this little house we are renting. I wish I could just buy it right now. The neighborhood is a little rundown, but a lot safer than our neighborhood in SLC. But this house is perfect for a starter home. Katie absolutely loves that she has a yard she can go play in by herself. We have big windows that overlook the yard, so I can see her at all times--that's the only reason I let her out by herself. And I love that it has big windows and lots of glorious sunshine. I am just happier in this little house. I love cooking my kitchen which is saying a lot. I don't usually like cooking. But this week we have had several new recipes just because I feel like cooking something new. There is plenty counter space which makes a huge difference for me.
The other blessings in disguise have been personal trials Justin and I have faced in the last year. Talk about currant bush experiences...over and over again. However, they have been opportunities for growth and I am so grateful for what I have learned from it all.
So lately I have been overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude for everything in this beautiful thing called LIFE.
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