Sometime time ago I came across what is known as the curly girl method. Basically to for curly hair and some wavy types, you give up shampoo, and use only silicone and sulfate free products for conditioner and hair styling products. Having wavy hair that sometimes wants to be curly and sometimes wants to be straight, I was intrigued by this method. A friend who has very similar hair to mine gave it a try and now has real curls instead of just waves. So I wanted to give it a try.
I decided to go with the extreme side at first to really jump start my experiment. I gave up shampoo and conditioner and replaced them with baking soda and vinegar solutions. After one or two washes with the baking soda solution, I realized that it was too drying for my hair to use everyday, so I only used it once a week after that. After almost two weeks, my head was so itching and dry, I went and bought some silicone free conditioner, which cleared up the dryness in a few days.
I still only use the conditioner, and a baking soda rinse every once in awhile, and no dryness or oiliness. Just normal hair-actually, super soft, normal hair.
I haven't found a hair styling product that I really like yet that is silicone free. And I really miss hairspray. I have heard good things about more expensive products, but I just can't rationalize that much money on a hair product. I would rather use the money to go on a date with my handsome husband than a bottle of spray gel or mousse. So still looking for the perfect product to hold my waves in.
I have enjoyed trying new no heat curl favorite is the headband method, and next I like pin curls, but I have had success with the sock bun method too.
Face Wash:
A blog that I follow had a post about washing your face with honey. Lately I have been breaking out like crazy which is unusual for me, and I was washing my face twice a day and starting to just go without make-up (not super uncommon since I stay at home most days with the squirts and don't like getting dolled up every morning), but I felt like I couldn't wear makeup without it increasing my already high risk of breaking out.
So anyway, I come across this random post about using honey to wash your face. And I have been doing it for about two weeks. Not going back! I love it. My skin feels so good right now and i haven't had a pimple since I started doing it. Every third day or so I use a baking soda solution for an exfoliant. WOrks great!
The honey solution for washing your face is so interesting. Where did you find that method? I am glad that your hair is so soft. I really need to something for my hair too. I just can't stand the constant smell of vinegar.
Linda Lee, when I was using the vinegar solution it always washed out immediately, and there was no lingering smell of vinegar at all...if that helps. I've also heard that if you really need moisture for your hair to use olive oil and honey. I haven't tried this though.
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