Justin at the campground around Kelly canyon Area
One thing I love about Justin is how ouitdoorsy he is. Don't get me wrong though, he's not a fanatic like our neighbor who just skinned a dead beaver he found while he was fishing and buys a new gun just so he can go bird hunting even though he's a poor college student....but anyway...
it's so great to have married a husband who likes to go camping for a night or two and likes to get out away from people. It's fun to go fishing with him even though I don't fish I like watching him. I usually sit on the bank and read a good book or play in the water making small dams and sand castles. It's just been so nice to get out of Rexburg this summer and do the kind of things I loved doing growing up in Montana, and it's wonderful that I found someone who I can share the outdoors with.
1 comment:
Looks like you had a great time. It's always nice to escape into the mountains.
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