Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for Justin. He is sooooo wonderful. He stayed up late last night with me because I was feeling bla and pretty much just emotional. He rubbed my sore feet for a long time and just listened to me go on about my little miseries. And now he is at work and will go to class until 8:30 tonight on little sleep just because he loves me.

Today I am also grateful for the olympics. It has been so fun watching them the last few days. I watch videos of them on the internet so it's not the best experience I've had watching the Olympics, but it's been fun to follow my favorite events, and if I get really desperate to watch something, I figured out that this laundromat not too far from home is a 24 hour laundromat, and the olympics are always on there. So when track and field or women's gymnastics all around comes up, I might turn up at the laundromat...

Lastly, I am grateful for music. Like I said, I was kind of having an emotional day yesterday (really for no other reason than my hormones are out of wack), and I was out doing errands. the only radio station we get in our car (it has a broken antenna) is the BYU-Idaho station, and they always play "inspirational" music. I think that's their little call phrase..."Always Inspirational" kind of cheesy, but anyway... while I was in the car some of my favorite songs came on like "This is the Christ," "I know that my Redeemer lives" "We thank thee oh God for a Prophet," and "How firm a foudnation." All those great classic hymns made me feel better about life (at least for a couple hours) and I was able to return to Justin with a happy face.


Scott said...

Hormones are crazy things. I remember when I was prego with Jeff realizing how much hormones play a role in life. It was a normal morning, and Scott was headed out the door to go to work when his wife was transformed into a two year old throwing a tantrum. As I remember it, I started crying and clinging to Scott like my world would end if he left. I alwasy feel like that, but I usually try to be more mature about expressing it. :) Yep, hormones are tricky things.

April said...

Yeah for Michael Phelps! Hang in there. The real fun will start soon:) What a great husband!