Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter! Our Easter has been great. What a great time to remember our Savior and what He did for us. We had our Easter ham dinner and watched the clip of Elder Holland's talk from conference that the Church's media department put images and and music to. here's the link for those of you who want to watch it.

Katie turned 5 months on the 9th. She's getting so good at sitting up by herself, and she just can't get enough to eat. She eats so much, I can hardly keep up with her.

She also learned how to scream. Not crying scream. Oh no. This is "let's test out my lungs and vocal cords full capacity" scream. She let loose one of those during Relief Society today during a quiet moment. Literally every head turned. As one put it "I didn't know that big of a sound could come from one so little." Yep, that's my girl. I'm thinking of buying some ear plugs.


April said...

Look at those beautiful blue eyes. Such a sweet baby, even with those wild screams:)

Marcie said...

Ooooh she is so beautiful Jill! That is hilarious, vocal chord discovery is indeed a special time! :) haha! So glad she is sleeping better for you! I missed your brown sugar ham this Easter!

Ann said...

What beautiful blue eyes. I know what you mean about screams. Andrew nearly splits our house in half when he lets one of his screams out. I don't know what it is about babies and screaming.

Anonymous said...

She is sooooo cute! I love her smile :) Let me know when you wanna get together and make bows.

Dustin and Cassie said...

She is so sweet! Hope you don't mind but I got your blog from Allison Swopes....