Sunday, April 19, 2009

You Know You're a Stevens Girl When...

  1. You get really silly when you're tired.
  2. you hit your brick wall after getting silly
  3. Your favorite place is either Trout Creek, a place with mountains, or your bed
  4. You love your treats
  5. Food is a major motivation in life
  6. People look at you funny when you say the words bag, dragon, wagon, etc...
  7. Apparently people also look at you funny when you say pants, Ann, and fan etc
  8. you get feisty
  9. you still get homesick even though you've lived away from home for a long time
  10. you grew up playing buffalo jump and love lifted me.
  11. you asked to be dropped off a block from school because you were embarrassed by the van
  12. smashing cans was a saturday chore
  13. you fold your towels in thirds and then in thirds again
  14. your face swells up horribly when you cry
  15. you know what it means to "shake the handle"
  16. parades have a special place in your heart
  17. New Years Eve better involve lots of snacks
  18. you know the words to Burglar Boy, Kentucky Home, and An Eastbound train
  19. You've participated in a sock matching party
  20. You wear more make-up than your mother


April said...

Okay, Jill. This was the best! It definitely put a smile on my face. I may have to copy this on to my own blog. Thanks for a good laugh this morning!

Amber said...

Omygoodnes!!!! So mom brought home this book that apparently Aunt Eunice wrote and it has the words to East Bound Train all typed out. YAY! (Aunt Eunice said that mom and dad only had 10 kids, and she wrote this in the past 10 years. Obviously shane and I are figments of your guys's imaginations...

Ann said...

Thanks Jill. I needed this this morning. So true. I was just telling Dan about smashing cans the other day. Funny how our brains match up sometimes.