Sunday, October 18, 2015

I love Autumn

Isn't autumn wonderful? Crunchy leaves. Cool mornings, warm afternoons. Apple cider. Pumpkin muffins. Rich colors. 

I was very sad to let summer go, but a beautiful, slow Fall makes up for it. Every year I am surprised by the beauty of fall. You would think that because fall hAppens every year, I wouldn't be dazzled by it as much as I am each year. 

But when autumn rolls around, I gAsp in delight to find a tree turned completely golden or a carpet of ruby leaves under bare branches. And I never tire of finding perfect leaf after perfect leaf in bright hues. 

The cool mornings invigorate me, and I enjoy the warm, soft sunlight in the afternoons. I take the kids outside in those lovely afternoons, and it is perfect playing weather. They gather leaves and sticks, and they listen for the frogs.

I just love it all. 

Saturday, October 3, 2015


I have been in a rut...only a a certain area of my life. I haven't been taking care of my body the last month. Too many indulgences and not enough exercise. You see, I've been burnt out. 

I did my 100 miles of Summer, and while it always made me feel good to get those miles in, I lost enthusiasm. My heart just wasn't in it.

I intended to do Fifty Miles of Fall, but I just can't.

After thinking out loud a little last night, I nailed down one thing. I want to be outside. I want to do what it takes to get my miles done outside. And I need a new goal. A 5k. That's one of my resolutions I set way back when in January, and time is running down for that goal. So being the goal achieving junkie that I am, I have set my eyes on a 5k, and worked out a schedule with Justin to be home with the kids so I can train.

And I am starting to get excited. I feel my interest in being fit coming back on. I even went for a run this morning. So here's to my next adventure! 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Say yes

I said yes today when I could. 

Grace and Amelia started digging out paints and paper this morning, and my head started to ache as I thought about the dishes that need to be done, the disgusting floor that has been neglected, and the laundry mountain on the couch that needing folding. But I took a deep breath and said, "go get your art shirts on." And then I helped for a few minutes setting the environment up for succes so that I could supervise while attempting to get a little housework done. 
I am so glad I said yes. Their smiles were worth it, and I always love seeing their creative side.

Being a mom is so tough. Such a balancing act. When to say yes and when to say no. 

The girls have their hearts set on making a haunted house. I usually would say no to something like this, but they had stars in their eyes, and I just couldn't. So I am collecting creepy decorations and trying to figure out how in the world we are going to do a haunted house. 

But their excitement is palpable. Grace even told me "mom, I got a great idea for our haunted house from a nightmare I had!" Ha! She is so excited about all the creepy things we will include in our haunted house, and can hardly wait to get started on it.
 I love my kids, and I love seeing their eyes light up when I say yes. I just hope they know someday how much I tried to say yes..,how hard I tried not to say no.