Sunday, October 18, 2015

I love Autumn

Isn't autumn wonderful? Crunchy leaves. Cool mornings, warm afternoons. Apple cider. Pumpkin muffins. Rich colors. 

I was very sad to let summer go, but a beautiful, slow Fall makes up for it. Every year I am surprised by the beauty of fall. You would think that because fall hAppens every year, I wouldn't be dazzled by it as much as I am each year. 

But when autumn rolls around, I gAsp in delight to find a tree turned completely golden or a carpet of ruby leaves under bare branches. And I never tire of finding perfect leaf after perfect leaf in bright hues. 

The cool mornings invigorate me, and I enjoy the warm, soft sunlight in the afternoons. I take the kids outside in those lovely afternoons, and it is perfect playing weather. They gather leaves and sticks, and they listen for the frogs.

I just love it all. 

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