Sunday, May 17, 2009

Teething Trouble

Katie hit the 6 month mark on the 9th. her milestones have been rolling over, sad attempts at army crawling, and sitting up all on her own, and drum roll please.....she cut her first tooth this week. needless to say we have had sleepless nights and days of nonstop screaming. But it seems like we have survived round one.


April said...

No fun! I got off really easy with my older three and teething; especially Haleigh. One day she would wake up and there'd be a tooth. Joshua has had the roughest time, so I can sympathize. At least you've survived. Thanks for the birthday thoughts. I'll pass them along. Hope you had a fabulous one. I STILL need to call you!

Unknown said...

I remember those days. Alexus and Tyse both lived on teething tablets (an herbal thing from Wal-Mart). The worst is when they go back down and then come back up again. Happy Belated Birthday too!

Harper said...

Katie is so cute!