Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Random Info about Justin and Me

How long have you been together? 1 yr married

How long did you know each other before you started dating? we knew each other for a semester and a month.

Who asked who out? justin asked me out

Who's siblings do you see the most? mine

Do you have any children together? yes Katie

If not (to the above question) when do you want kids?

What about pets? Justin would say yes, but I made sure he fully understood he was marrying me without the slightest chance that he would ever have a dog....or anything else for that matter

Did you go to the same high school? definitely not

Are you from the same home town? Justin's from vegas,, and I'm from butte, mt

Who is most sensitive? probably me

Where do you eat out most as a couple? craigos or fongs

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? San Fransisco probably

Who does the cooking? me, but Justin likes cooking better, and he's better at it than me

Who is more social? Justin, I like to turn the ringer off and pretend I'm not home...although I
love having parties for holidays

Who is the neat freak? neither of us are freaks about being clean, but we both don't like it messy so the house stays moderately clean

Who is the most stubborn? it depends on the issue

Who wakes up earlier? me, to feed Katie, but then I go back to sleep, and then Justin is usually awake

Where was your first date? wingers, which is funny because neither of us are crazy about it

Who has the bigger family? immediate--me, extended--justin

Do you get flowers often? often enough for me, if i get them too often, then i don't appreciate them as much

How do you spend the holidays? we like to spend them at home, but we sometimes spend them in mt

Who eats more? justin, he's 6'4" and I'm 5'2", but I think right after Katie was born, I could have out eaten anybody

Who is the better singer? Justin, but he never sings to me

Who does the laundry? both of us, but i hate it

Who is better with the computer? justin

Who drives when you are together? justin

Who eats more sweets? it used to be me by far, but now that we've been together this long, justin's catching up

Who cries more? me, but i don't like it


Scott said...

Two things. 1. I'm so sad you will never have a dog. 2. Scott and I had our first date at Wingers too. It gives Scott heartburn. I like it. :) This was fun to read.

Justin Day said...

yeah im sad we will never have a dog too...